Co-prescribing naloxone is recommended for your patients who are taking opioids and meet any of the following criteria:

  • Taking opioids at a high strength​ (e.g., ≥ 50MME/day)* or as a long-term therapy†
  • Taking a benzodiazepine†
  • Have certain respiratory conditions, like COPD or sleep apnea†
  • Have a mental health disorder†
  • Have a history of overdose or substance use disorder, including PWUD and patients in recovery†
  • Are likely to observe an overdose among family, friends, or caregivers​†

Download the Kloxxado® Co-RX Guide for more details.

* Your state PDMP may have built-in tools to help you assess a patient’s MME-associated risks.
† Naloxone: The Opioid Reversal Drug that Saves Lives. US Department of Health and Human Services website. Available at: Accessed June 25, 2023.